Speed Compliance Program

The City of Vaughan launched the Speed Compliance Program in 2010 to raise awareness of motorist travel speed, in comparison to the existing speed limit, using Speed Message Boards.

Each speed message board is equipped with a radar unit that monitors the speed of oncoming traffic and displays it on a message board. Signs are placed on the same street, facing opposite directions, to monitor oncoming traffic in both directions. The signs do not take photos of cars.

A road sign with the text "Your Speed" written on it that displays your current driving speed.

All traffic data collected from the speed board is analyzed, and study results are shared with York Regional Police for their information, driver education and any associated enforcement efforts.


The Speed Compliance Program proactively addresses two types of priority areas: school zones and higher capacity roadways.


School zones

The Speed Compliance Program is primarily focused on the reduction of speeds through school zones. The Program is supported by school administrators who welcome increasing safety awareness within school communities.


The school zone component of the Program accommodates 79 locations per school year, which represents all the elementary schools in the City. Speed message boards are placed in school zones in the spring and fall, to align with increased pedestrian activity. The speed boards are active for two weeks per site.


Higher capacity roadways

These roadways have capacities of approximately 12,000 vehicles per day, and are included in the Program because speeding issues have been previously noted. At these locations, the speed boards will be set out for longer durations, typically eight weeks.


Speed Boards requests

If you are concerned with speed in your area, you can make a request for speed boards scheduling on an as-needed basis, for two weeks.


To request a speed message board for your neighbourhood, contact Service Vaughan at service@vaughan.ca or 905-832-2281.


Community Safety Zones

Community Safety Zones must be recognizable to the driver as a special situation that warrants an increased awareness of community activity. Overuse of the Community Safety Zone designation could become counter-productive to the goal of increased traffic and pedestrian safety.


As with other roadway regulations, the effect of the Community Safety Zone designation on driver behaviour and traffic safety will likely be a function of the level of enforcement provided.


The following guidelines are recommended before establishing a Community Safety Zone on a City roadway. Community Safety Zones must:

  • only be implemented for community-based facilities such as schools, community centres, parks, retirement areas or roadway sections with continual high collision rates.
  • indicate the designation is in effect for 24 hours a day to assist the York Regional Police with enforcement.
  • always be used in conjunction with other traffic safety and police-enforcement measures.